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Veg Olé Molé Chick’n


Our yummy vegetarian version of Ole Mole Chicken, made with plant-based “chick’n”. (stovetop)

20 Minutes Stovetop Calories

(stovetop): Thaw in fridge. Cook rice (included). Heat 1-2 Tbsp. canola oil in a non-stick frypan over medium-high heat. Carefully slice each piece of chick’n crosswise, into 4 short strips. Stirfry chick’n and peppers until lightly brown, approx. 5 min. Stir in sauce. Reduce heat & simmer, stirring occasionally, 8-10 min, OR until chick’n is heated through and sauce is somewhat thickened; you may need to add a little water. Serve over rice & top with sour cream if desired. Suggested Sides: Our Southwest Buttered Corn, avocado.

Plant-based chick’n breasts, diced tomatoes, diced onion, green pepper, orange juice concentrate, garlic, cocoa powder, pepper, cumin, cinnamon, ground cloves, Tabasco, white or brown rice.

Nutrition Facts

6 Servings Per Main Dish

Amount Per Serving
Calories 404
Total Fat 7g
Saturated Fat 0.5g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 826mg
Total Carbohydrate 60g
Fiber 6g
Sugar 11g
Protein 27g
Weight 6 kg
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